Asian Development Bank Cambodia Project
Kampot, Cambodia
Numerous towns in the Greater Mekong Sub-region have severe capacity problems on their existing infrastructure and public services, which cannot cope with the increasing demands of the growing population and new developments. The capacity constraints in providing adequate potable water supply, sanitation, drainage and flood control, and solid waste management services have led to severe environmental problems. In addition, the lack of integrated land use planning, urban design and conservation skills, as well as enforcement regimes, further undermined the sustainable growth of these places.
The project in Kampot, Cambodia, was part of Asian Development Bank Second Greater Mekong Sub-region Corridor Towns Development Project (CTDP), which aimed at developing and/or upgrading public services in the small and medium towns along the corridor, and strengthen their capacities to achieve future growth.
A quiet riverside town, Kampot is a provincial capital city in southern Cambodia, with a population of 40,000. The town is well located alongside the Kampot River, close to the Bokor National Park and the attractive coastline of the Gulf of Thailand is just a few kilometres away. It has the potential to become a key link port for the outlying islands, including Phu Quoc.
The project was focused on Kampot’s town centre Conservation Area, the oldest part of town. Working with an international multi-disciplinary team, Wei Yang & Partners proposed a comprehensive plan for conservation and enhancement work, which was aimed at re-celebrating its historic heritage, providing a heathier living environment for local community, and creating safe and pleasant public spaces for all. Adopting the integrated approach, the plan provided strategies and guidance on building restoration, infrastructure improvement, spatial planning as well as capacity building on public-private relationship.