WYP Broadcast Best Practice at Cambridge
23 Aug 2018
On 23rd Aug, Jun Huang, Design Partner, was invited by Møller Institute and China–Britain Business Council (CBBC) to talk to an executive delegation from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business at Churchill College, University of Cambridge.
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business is a private, not-for-profit, top ranking independent educational institution focused on professional and executive education for people in the business world. CKGSB have campuses in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and representative offices in Hong Kong, London and New York. They also have collaborative relationships with other business schools worldwide, such as Harvard Kennedy School in the US, IMD in Switzerland and FDC in Brazil.
Jun Huang delivered his presentation to the delegates from real estate, media, biotech and investment sectors. In the talk, Jun spoke about the shifting trends of and urban development and place making over the past two decades and how to discover hidden commercial and social values through creative and collaborative endeavour. In light of opportunities and challenges associated with climate change, technological innovation and more complex globalisation, he promoted the holistic approach of integrated design, sustainable development, creative exchange and joined-up thinking between professions and all shareholders.